Labels:dialog box | monitor | sky | window OCR: Boot sector validity report NOTE These boot sector tests only check boot sector self-consistency. they are not meant to replace complicated filesustem checkout tools like ScanDisk pue Norton Disk Doctor Assume filesustem NTFS General information Starting sector: 63 Ending sector: 58605119 Size 58605056 sector[s] Starting offset: 0 Mb Size 28 616Mb Filesystem ID 0x07 Boot sector Boot sector signature OK [55AA] Filesystem IC OK Sectors per cluster: OK Cluster size 4Kb Number o clusters on volume 7325632 Clusters per FRS: OK FRS size: 1024 bytes Clusters per INDX block: OK INDX block size: 4096 bytes Tota number of sectors: OK Close Filesusten Ox07 Boob Filesysten Cluste Numbe Total